Xavier Córdoba, animal nutrition director, at that Barcelona headquartered company, told FeedNavigator:
“We are promoting our nucleotides all over the world. We are mainly focused on European markets, on LATAM and on Asian countries. But we now have different projects underway to promote our products in other markets in which we have had no presence until now, namely the US and Egypt.”
Nucleotides are highly technical products and growing a presence in a new market requires time in terms of training, understanding and trials, said Córdoba.
Last Friday, we reported on a study, carried out by researchers based in Egypt, that indicated the use of nucleotide supplements in broiler chickens' diets can decrease the negative effects that Clostridium perfringens bacteria has on bird intestinal health and growth.
The experts involved in the study used a product from Bioibérica, branded as Nucleoforce Poultry, a balanced concentrate of free nucleotides and active precursors obtained from dried yeasts (saccharomyces cerevisiae), in their trial work.
Those researchers reported that the dietary supplementation of nucleotides in broiler diets, at 0.1%, noticeably attenuated the negative effects of a C. perfringens challenge by improving the intestinal histomorphology and intestinal barrier function in the birds.
Nucleotides are bioactive compounds that are key for several biological processes, says Córdoba. Such dietary supplementation works especially well in periods of high growth, during the first weeks of life of farmed animals, as well as during episodes of stress and challenges, he claims.
Pre-starter tool
“Nucleotides will promote the development and recovery of systems, especially the gastrointestinal tract, and will promote the maturation and optimization of the immune system. For these reasons, the best application of nucleotides is in pre-starter and starter feed in terms of broilers and laying hens.
“Due their high solubility, they can be supplemented as well through drinking water," remarked Córdoba.
In summary, the use of this kind of product can help improve the performance and health of animals, reduce the costs of production and optimize the efficiency of feeds, he commented.
“Furthermore, nucleotides are totally aligned with antibiotic reduction strategies, which is becoming commonplace everywhere,” he added.