GB feed materials register website launched

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The key feed trade associations in the UK, in consultation with the Food Standards Agency (FSA) and Food Standards Scotland (FSS), have agreed to publish a GB register of feed materials to provide an online platform for the notification of new ingredients.

Within the EU, this legal requirement is achieved by registering all feed materials onto the EU feed register, creating a single point of reference for all feed materials that are not listed in the EU catalogue of feed materials. Following the UK’s departure from the EU, this register was not recognised within UK legislation and the feed industry associations have chosen to develop a a GB version to benefit the entire industry.

The registar, which will be updated on a regular basis, is being developed within the mandate of retained EU Regulation (EC) No 767/2009.

The trade groups involved in the process include the Agricultural Industries Confederation (AIC), the British Association of Feed Supplement and Additive Manufacturers (BAFSAM), the British Equestrian Trade Association (BETA) and the UK pet food manufacturing trade body (PFMA). The organizations agreed, in conjunction with the FSA and the FSS, to establish a working group tasked with reviewing the content of the GB register with a view to publishing it in early 2023.

“The register will benefit those UK businesses wishing to place new feed materials on the market in GB (NI still follows EU regulations) and those feed manufacturers who might be looking for new materials to use,” explained James McCulloch, head of the feed sector at AIC. “We are grateful for the significant co-operation shown by all associations in reaching this agreement.”

The website carries a comprehensive guidance document on the notification process, he added. Businesses can now access and complete the notification form on the site. "UK legislation requires that the person who, for the first time, places on the market a feed material that is not listed in the catalogue [Retained EU Commission Regulation (EU) No 2017/1017 introducing the third update of the EU Catalogue of Feed Materials] shall immediately notify its use to the representatives of the UK feed business sectors. The completion of the notification form fulfils this legal requirement," according to the trade groups.

Any questions regarding the management of the online register should be sent to However, questions related to the legislation should be addressed to the relevant authorities, said the AIC.