Cracking the Methane Code: Genetic, Feed, and Farmer Solutions for Emission Reduction by 2030

Cracking the Methane Code: Genetic, Feed, and Farmer Solutions for Emission Reduction by 2030

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We investigate how management systems, diets, and feed additives influence the production of enteric methane emissions in beef and dairy cattle and how cross-industry collaborative is advancing efforts in this regard. We also look at the role genetics and measurements can play.


Jan Dijkstra Jan Dijkstra Associate Professor Animal Nutrition
Wageningen University

Pablo Modernel Pablo Modernel, PhD Program manager farm nature (biodiversity)

John Tauzel John Tauzel Senior Director, Global Agriculture Methane
Environmental Defense Fund

Annie Williams Annie Williams, PhD Business Development Manager
UK Agri-Tech Centre

Jane Byrne Jane Byrne Senior Editor