Gut Health in Poultry


Formulating diets to support intestinal health in birds

Many factors affect gut health, and subsequent performance, in poultry.

Feed quality, farm management and genetics can influence the gut microbiota in birds; strategies for optimal poultry gut health functioning thus are likely to be multi-factorial.

Following on from our previous forum on this topic in March 2017, we again ask the experts for their latest insights into the effect of feed ingredients on gut health in birds.

We will ask our panel about the mode of action of certain feed additives and why they may be effective in ensuring healthy broiler or layer development in the post-antibiotics era.


René Kwakkel
René Kwakkel
Programme Director BSc & MSc Animal Sciences, Associate Professor Poultry Nutrition
Wageningen University
Richard Ducatelle, PhD
Richard Ducatelle, PhD
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine
Ghent University, Belgium
Tone Stigen Martinsen
Tone Stigen Martinsen
CEO and consultant
Bjørnerød Konsult AS
Ade Adebiyi
Ade Adebiyi
Poultry Nutritionist
AB Agri
Jane Byrne
Jane Byrne
Senior Editor

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