Innovation in Aqua Feed

Innovation in Aqua Feed

Formulated feeds are an important component of the farming process for a number of key aquaculture species.

However, producers are no longer focused only on feed conversion in relation to fish feed R&D.

We will hear how feed experts are trying to understand the ways nutritional components affect immune responses and gut microbiota in fish.

We also get insights into the advantages and disadvantages of using novel protein raw materials such as bacterial meals or insect meal in aquaculture feeds.

The experts will report as well on the usefulness of tools such as mathematical modelling and nutrigenomics in feed formulation.


André Dumas André Dumas Director of Fish Nutrition
The Center for Aquaculture Technologies Canada

Dr. Rune Waagbø Dr. Rune Waagbø Research director

Philip Lyons Philip Lyons Research Scientist
Coppens International BV

John Sweetman John Sweetman International Project Manager Aquaculture

Jane Byrne Jane Byrne Senior Editor