Is a hammer or roller mill better for pig feed structure?
Understanding what milling processes can achieve optimal particle size of diets for pigs was the objective of a recent review by Serbian and Spanish researchers.
Understanding what milling processes can achieve optimal particle size of diets for pigs was the objective of a recent review by Serbian and Spanish researchers.
Nutreco has a new managing director of its Skretting salmon feed and Southern Europe unit.
A multi-facet, multi-year project is set to assess the use of biochar as a feed ingredient for cattle with the aim of reducing methane emissions and improving feed efficiency, says researcher.
Feed production, use sees decreases in the US as initial survey-based results arrive, says USDA.
The European Commission is seeking comments on the extent to which the existing EU feed additive legislative framework is fit for purpose.
Pilmico International, a wholly owned subsidiary of Philippine based Aboitiz Equity Ventures, Inc. (AEV) has acquired a 70% stake in Vietnam’s Eurofeed.