Archives for March 26, 2019

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Forest 500: Companies told to disclose names of soy suppliers

Forest 500: Companies told to disclose names of soy suppliers

By Jane Byrne

Nestlé has come out top in relation to soy in the latest Forest 500 report that rates food manufacturer, trader, retailer, food service and financial institutions’ efforts to tackle commodity led deforestation in all sourcing regions.

Super-soaker mineral could fill the gap left by antibiotic bans in Asia

Reports from VIV Asia

Super-soaker mineral could fill the gap left by antibiotic bans in Asia

By Richard Whitehead

Attapulgite producer, GeoHellas, has Asia on its mind. Already major countries such as China, Indonesia and Vietnam have either banned or are phasing out antibiotics, a trend that the supplier says presents it with substantial opportunities.