
The price of butter keeps creeping up, why? GettyImages/Synergee

The price of butter keeps creeping up, why?

By Donna Eastlake

The price of butter has risen steadily in recent years, with a 18.5% year-on-year increase recorded in the EU wholesale market between 2023 and 2024. But why is this happening? And is it a permanent trend?

Bord Bia said the system should be in place in 2020. Pic: Bord Bia

Bord Bia launches Grass Fed Standard

By Jim Cornall

Bord Bia, the Irish Food Board, has launched a Grass Fed Standard, which it says is the world’s first on a national scale, that allows it to track and verify the percentage of grass consumed in the diet of Irish dairy herds.

Russian dairy proliferates

Russian dairy proliferates

In recent years the Russian dairy sector has undergone tremendous
upheaval, with the consolidation of old dairy plants changing the
face of the industry. We spoke to the Russian National Dairy
Institute to find out what impact these...

USDA: BSE is under control

USDA: BSE is under control

DNA evidence suggests - to a high degree of certainty - that the
BSE-positive cow found in Washington State originated from a dairy
farm in Alberta, Canada, according to the USDA. The department also
believes that the safeguards put...


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