Commodity pricing

 © GettyImages/ pabradyphoto

US: Aid package for farmers facing losses due to tariff tiff

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) has announced measures, to the value of $12bn, aimed at supporting US feed crop producers, farmers and livestock producers through the period of trade tension caused by increased tariffs on several exported commodities.

©GettyImages/ marekuliasz

Chinese buyers meet with US sorghum growers

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

US sorghum producers are considering an ongoing visit from Chinese users of the feed grain a chance to improve relationships and address questions that may be dampening trade, says executive director.

©GettyImages/ weerapatkiatdumrong

US organic feed crop demand sparks industry partnership

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

US company, AgriSecure, is partnering with Farmer’s Business Network to boost the organic feed grain production sector and improve traceability and availability for feed grain buyers, says CEO.

Poultry industry taking shape in Africa

Reports from VIV Europe 2018

Poultry industry taking shape in Africa

By Jane Byrne

The growing middle class in Africa is driving change throughout that continent’s poultry production value chain, encouraging greater local and international investment in required supporting infrastructure, says Rabobank.

© GettyImages

Brexit bolt: Agribusiness firms look to set up hubs outside UK

By Jane Byrne

A workshop organized recently in London by the Agri-Brexit Coalition heard UK agribusiness companies are already moving operations out of Britain and others are taking 'irreversible decisions' on site location and investment.

© istock/NiroDesign

New twist in US vitamin C anti-trust battle

By Jane Byrne

Two US companies may have a chance of collecting $148m in damages as a US Supreme Court ruling deems that the Chinese firms targeted in a vitamin C price fixing lawsuit were not compelled to follow China’s trade laws.

© istock

USDA cuts its Russian wheat harvest estimate

By Jane Byrne

The US Department of Agriculture’s World Agriculture Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE), published yesterday, lowered its forecast for world wheat production for 2018/19 largely due to forecasts for Russia being down by 3.5Mt from May estimates, to a...

© Gettyimages/lya_Starikov

China ratchets up sunflower seed meal imports

By Jane Byrne

Historically, global sunflower seed meal consumption has been dominated by the leading sunflower seed producers and processors, such as the EU, Russia, Ukraine, and Turkey, but other countries have recently emerged as growing users.

© istock

Special Edition: Asian Trends

Increased compound feed demand in India

By Jane Byrne

The USDA, citing feed industry sources, says India’s feed industry is growing at a CAGR of 5-7% with poultry, cattle and aqua feed sectors emerging as major growth drivers.

© GettyImages/ David_Johnson

New grain terminal for Québec

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

La Coop fédérée is putting $90m into a new grain transfer terminal as part of a project to expand the export market for Canadian grains to regions including Asia and Europe, says VP.

© GettyImages/maceofoto

Barley feed usage jumps in the UK

By Jane Byrne

UK barley demand is seeing a hike as higher wheat prices meant buyers sought a more cost effective grain for animal feed.


Drought leads Argentina to buy US soybeans

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Drought conditions are leading Argentina to import US soybeans, however, in-country production is expected to improve in the coming marketing year, say analysts.

© istock

Traders, farmers fined over links to deforestation in Cerrado

By Jane Byrne

Five traders and multiple soy farmers have been penalized to the tune of 105.7 million reais (US $29 million) in total for soybean cultivation and purchasing that is connected to illegal deforestation, the Brazilian environmental authorities reported...

© GettyImages/PashaIgnatov

Soybean meal shortage keeps protein prices high

By Jane Byrne

Despite the sharp increase in US and Brazilian soybean crushings, the world will remain short of soymeal at least until September, meaning protein prices will remain elevated, says CRM AgriCommodities.

© GettyImages/AlexLMX

NAFTA negotiations pass legislative deadline

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

The prospect of revising the 24-year-old North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) this year appeared to fade yesterday (May 17) as a deadline set by congressional Republicans passed.

© GettyImages/Split Second Stock

Pace picks up in US soy and corn planting

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Feed crop production for the coming year is starting to catch up to previous years’ levels despite cold and slow start, says economist.

© GettyImages/Krisana Sennok

US: Cattle producers count cost of spring wildfires

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

Cattle producers in parts of Oklahoma face more than $2.2m in costs for feed, and from damaged hay and forages following large wildfires that struck the state in April, says economist.

© GettyImages/thitivong

USDA sees lower US soy, corn and wheat stocks

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

The US Department of Agriculture (USDA) released its latest World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates (WASDE) on Thursday. The agency expects US soy, corn, and wheat stocks to fall on lower production, but trade and weather bring uncertainty.


ADM opens new premix production facility

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

ADM says the additional manufacturing base, located in Effingham Illinois, will serve the livestock, poultry and pet food sectors. The factory went live on Monday [May 7].

© GettyImages/ reisegraf

USDA: Wheat production set to grow in Argentina

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

The end of drought conditions and export market shifts for sorghum may be bringing an expectation of increased planting and larger feed crop production from Argentina.

© GettyImages/Zebor

ADM sees growth in its first quarter 2018

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

ADM says its animal nutrition business performed in Q1 2018 and it saw record soybean crush volumes; market conditions and tax reform boost confidence at the agribusiness giant.

© istock

Chinese feed group sees drop in Q1 profit

By Jane Byrne

Chinese feed giant, New Hope Liuhe, reported a fall in first-quarter net profit as the country’s pig sector faces record low prices, according to Reuters.

© GettyImages/MailsonPignata

USDA: Brazil looks to expand soybean planted acres

By Aerin Einstein-Curtis

A report from the US agency forecasts the soy area planted in Brazil will increase in 2018/19 based on improving prices and the anticipation of higher demand for the feed ingredient from buyers in China as well as a growth in domestic consumption.

CP Foods sees recovery in pig prices in Vietnam

CP Foods sees recovery in pig prices in Vietnam

By Jane Byrne

Vietnam’s GDP showed a promising 7.4% growth in Q1 2018, said CP Foods (CPF) in a brief overview of current livestock and fish production dynamics in that country.

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